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VA Benefits

I’m a VA Accredited Attorney and Army Blackhawk Pilot who understands the issues that you face as a Veteran and will work with and for you to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve.

What is a VA Accredited Attorney?

VA-accredited attorneys or representatives are individuals recognized by VA as legally authorized and capable of assisting claimants in pursuit of benefits before the Department of Veterans Affairs. The accreditation program exists to ensure that veterans and their family members receive adequate, informed representation throughout the VA benefits appeals process. VA-accredited representatives can include attorneys, accredited claims agents, veteran service organizations (VSOs), and state or county government entities.

Accredited representatives are trained to help claimants understand and pursue the VA benefits available to them. These individuals are legally authorized to represent veterans, servicemembers, dependents, and survivors before VA for a number of VA benefits, such as disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation. Individuals and organizations who are not accredited by VA are not permitted to represent veterans in this capacity.

Why should I hire a VA Accredited Attorney?

You Have Been Denied

A denial is not the end of your claim. Don’t let the complicated VA disability benefits appeal process scare you. Appealing is difficult but having a qualified legal professional handle your claim can help ease your mind.

You Are Frustrated

The VA is a huge bureaucracy, and it is normal to feel frustrated. Having a VA accredited disability attorney who knows how to navigate the system can make it less painful. You’ll no longer have to talk to the VA about your claim. Instead, you can call your VA attorney and they will handle speaking to the VA for you.